MAMMA was founded in July 1990, and was well established in July 1995. Now we have completed 25 years of meritorious service in the field of serving children and our alumni children and now doctors, engineers, lawyers, college professors and even in all India services. Thus we have an excellent record of reputation for being extremely caring institution committed to the development of physical, mental, cultural and emotional health of children making them all intellectual, creative and competent.


    • Pleasant, happy, warm environment
    • Well equipped and designed Children’s park in every branch
    • Facility for outdoor and indoor playing
    • Birthday of each and every child is celebrated
    • All children are provided with traditional Kerala feast (sadya) on the birthday of a child in plantain leaf (banana leaf)
    • Children are prompted to make smiles, light hearted conversations and sharing with other children and staff
    • Children are motivated to develop patriotism by way of taking pledge (India is my country………………….) and also to sing National Anthem every day.


Only National Holidays applicable

    •  The functioning of MAMMA is from 8AM to 5:30 PM on all working days


    •  Timings can be extended from 7:30 AM to 6:30 PM on demand under certain conditions


    •  MAMMA will be functioning on all days except national holidays and Sundays



Retd.Joint Director Play School Education


26th Year of service

Summer camp

Homely food

  • Round-the year admissions
  • Day care -3 months onwards
  • Childrens park
  • Opening time 7:30AM
  • Closing time 5:30PM
  • Extended time availability
  • Daily-holiday schemes
  • Infant section 3 months- 2 yrs
  • Play school-Daycare upto 4 yrs
  • Pre KG - LKG - UKG
  • After -School Care
  • Working on all days
    (Except Sundays & National holidays)
  • Summer Camp
  • Homely food for all
  • Traditional feast on birthdays

MAMMA-An Extended Home

Physical, Mental Cultural and Emotional health

of your child is taken care of

Join us -feel the difference-at the 26 year of service


The present Chief Patron of MAMMA, has outstanding experience in administration, management, leadership and taking classes for faculty members at different levels of the society.

Lao Tsu has said, “To lead people, walk beside them… As for the best leaders, the people do not notice their existence. The next best, the people honor and praise…. When the best leader’s work is done, the people say “we did it ourselves”. These are the words that inspire MAMMA. To lead children, we work beside them, talk with them, play with them, eat with them, dance with them, run with them, sit with them, sleep with them….. When the child becomes physically, mentally, culturally and emotionally healthier—they say—“we did it ourselves”. By then onwards, the MAMMA management is brought to a level of ecstasy.

We, at Mamma, therefore believe the words of Wilfred Paterson, who has rightly pointed out that “Big thinker’s precedes great achievement”